What is Designed Clinical Nutrition?
Service Description
Designed: Especially prepared for you, based on a specific plan. Clinical: Pertaining to the results gotten in clinical use on a multitude of patients over many years. Nutrition: Real food, as designed by nature, to enable the body to repair itself and become healthier. After your analysis, you will get a specifically designed nutrition program, based off the information your body provides. Most programs include dietary suggestions (as well as whole food/ herbal supplements) to aid your body in healing itself. Concentrated whole food supplements are used. These have been prepared by a unique process that preserves all of the active enzymes and vital components. How to know which supplements are right for you? After the underlying reason your body is creating symptoms, we can isolate and verify the precise whole food supplements and quantities your body needs to resolve its problems. Our goal is to have you take as few supplements as possible, with your body being fully addressed and restored at the same time. Following your own Designed Clinical Nutrition program will bring about better health. It is based on a plan of concentrated, whole food supplements or herbs that are designed to match the specific needs of your body as determined by the analysis. The results are often in the 90% and better range!
Contact Details
2 Enterprise Ave NE, Isanti, MN, USA